A Message from our Founder, Steven J. Singer
It is hard to believe that this month, Fody turns 1. What started out as a dream to help fellow IBS sufferers has turned into a reality! It was during the winter of 2016 when I reached out to dietitians and Low FODMAP authorities and asked them a simple question – would our world be better if we launched a Low FODMAP food company? One answer that stuck with me was from Kate Scarlata, a trusted American dietitian and Low FODMAP expert who stated ‘people will probably cry with joy.’
Kate was right – and I am so glad I listened.
To our Fody friends, customers, advisors, researchers and to the amazing passionate FODY team, your passion for Fody Foods inspires us every day. We promise to create many more great tasting Low FODMAP products over the coming year.
Thank you for trusting Fody; it is our honor to be part of your daily life.
At Fody, we believe everything starts with feeling.
Enjoy eating again and Happy Birthday Fody!