Too many people have held back on living their lives because the foods they eat have an impact on their gut. This IBS Awareness Month, we wanted to inspire you to eat life to the FULLEST!
Throughout April, we asked you to share photos of yourselves enjoying a meal with family and friends, using the hashtag #FodyWithaFriend. We were delighted to see all of you smiling inside and out, enjoying delicious low FODMAP meals with those you love!
Check out some of your awesome submissions below...
FODY Food Co. #FodyWithaFriend Family BBQ my son and nephew. - Delee
#FodyWithaFriend - Aubrey
Good Times #FodyWithaFriend - Paula
#Fodywithafriend Me & my stepson date night - Chrissy
#FodyWithaFriend - Jamie
#FodywithaFriend and pizza made with Fody pasta sauce - Kristi
#fodywithafriend - Paige
FODY Food Co. #fodywithafriend - Jackie
Pizza day with Friends & Family!!! #FodyWithaFriend - Amber
@fodyfoodco #fodywithafriend - Kris
#Fodywithafriend Food, family and friends life is good. - Amy
#FodyWithaFriend - Gina
#FodyWithaFriend FODY Food Co. happiness - Eva
#FodyWithaFriend eating with my favorite person - Maddy
Wine and cupcakes tasting FODY Food Co. #FodyWithaFriend. - Michelle
#FodyWithaFriend - Chelsea
#FodyWithaFriend My running group just about to share a meal! - Gregory
#FodyWithaFriend Pineapple counts as food, right? Haha. - Danielle
#FodywithaFriend - Joanne
#FodyWithaFriend - Sarah
#FodyWithaFriend - Chris
Last night @nurselannykins and I went out for an IBS themed night of fun! We shared a meal and had @fodyfoods granola bars for dessert! #fodywithafriend. We went to an IBS seminar put on by @gisociety and learnt a bit more about treatment options, the science, diet and activity that helps those living with IBS. - Rochelle
My parents and cousins eating chicken wings made with @fodyfoods barbecue sauce (pictured in my dads hand). Makes me happy to see my family enjoying food that is safe for my tummy! #FodyWithAFriend - Olivia
So one of my favorite brands @fodyfoods which offers low #fodmap foods for people like me with digestive problems is holding a contest where you #fodywithafriend. I am Fody-ing with my best friend - Amanda
We needed some chips and dip, we are finishing the final episodes of Game of Thrones before the new season next weekend. So we found some low Fodmap chips and grabbed a @fodyfoods medium salsa. It was our first time trying @fodyfoods products and I thought I'd miss the garlic and onion and it would be bland and boring but my friends, it is anything but!!! I love it! It's delicious, it's flavorful and I'm a big fan of sour and it had just the right tang of lime! And yes, she got a chip for putting up with posing for a photo and yes, the chips I got are doggy safe too #fodywithafriend - Rochelle
Tonight me and @ladyrbarrett shared a lovely meal(with fody bars for dessert) and went to a talk on IBS. April is #ibsawarenessmonth and I have had it for over 10 years. A lot of hard work has helped me greatly over the years to manage it often symptom free but always looking for more ways to keep managing I never talk about it because it's not a fun topic but surrounding myself with people who understand and support you makes all the difference (I dont know that I have ever said that outloud but today I am feeling extra brave) #fodywithafriend #ibsawarenessmonth #guthealth - Alannah
I can still participate in celebrations! I made my own low FODMAP taco meat with @fodyfoods taco sauce and topped it off with the medium salsa at my grams 85th birthday. My friend shares my situation by understanding my digestive journey. #FodyWithaFriend #IBSAwarenessMonth - Jasminne
fodywithafriend #ibsawareness #ibsawarenessmonth @fodyfoods @jimerino #FodyWithaFriend - Ana