Is Low FODMAP Candy & Chocolate a Trick or Treat?
Before you send your little trick or treaters out there (or maybe you are the candy monster yourself), your best strategy is to know the low FODMAP candy and chocolates you can indulge in while still adhering to your low FODMAP diet.
Sugar (as in pure, white granulated sugar) is low FODMAP, which often surprises people, and while we think of sugar as being synonymous with candy, there are many other types of sweeteners and additional ingredients to steer clear of.
In general, keep candy portions small - and we know it is easy to over-indulge. Try to stick with servings totaling 25 to 50 g of sugar or less, so check labels! Go with the lower amount if your low FODMAP diet is usually fairly low in sugar. Your own experience and reaction to sugar should be used as a guide, as well.
If you are working with a registered dietitian, certainly check with them and also listen to your own body’s response. If you know that a particular ingredient or candy does not agree with your digestive system, then do not consume.
First, the Good News
Let’s read labels and talk about what we CAN have in our low FODMAP candy or chocolate:
Leave On The Shelf
Here are some high FODMAP ingredients often found in candies. Steer clear of any candies with these ingredients:
- High fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
- Fructose or fructose-glucose
- Sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, maltitol and erythritol
- Agave
- Inulin, chicory root
- Concentrated fruit juices or purées made from high FODMAP fruits (but really any derivation can be a problem as they are concentrated)
- Any high FODMAP fruit content (watch for pear, apple, mango, blackberry etc.)
Good Bets
Many old-fashioned lollipops are fine, as are small “fun size” chocolates. Gummy candies, from bears to Swedish fish are okay, too. Even the sour kind of gummy candies can be low FODMAP - but always check labels! Many hard candies, such as Jolly Ranchers, are low FODMAP candy as are many peanut butter cups. Marshmallows, if made without HFCS or extra fiber, are okay in small quantities.
Consider this a starter list - now get your costume on! Remember to eat your Halloween low FODMAP candy and low FODMAP chocolate in moderation!