15 minutes |
10 minutes |
Makes 12 servings |
15 minutes |
10 minutes |
Makes 12 servings |
These Fody Low FODMAP Salad Nachos are LOADED! They have ground turkey, cooked quickly in a skillet with Fody Low FODMAP Taco Sauce, lots of cheese, creamy dressing, and topped with a low FODMAP salad.
That’s right, salad, which we dressed with Fody Garden & Herb Low FODMAP Salad Dressing! This makes these nachos a meal! And while the salad is an awesome fresh and light contrast to the rich, gooey melted cheese and crunchy chips, this is still a rich dish. Watch your portions! The only trick to this low FODMAP recipe is to have everything ready to go when the nachos come out of the oven. You want to serve them while the cheese is hot and the salad is cold.
Preheat oven to 450F/230C. Have a large rimmed baking sheet pan handy.
For the low FODMAP Dressing: Whisk together the lactose-free sour cream, Fody Taco Sauce and lime juice. Season to taste with salt; set aside.
For the low FODMAP Salad: Toss the romaine and baby lettuce together with the salad dressing; set aside.
For the low FODMAP Nachos: Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add the oil and heat until shimmering. Add the scallions and sauté for a couple of minutes or until softened. Add the ground turkey, breaking it up with a spatula as you add it to the pan. Sauté turkey until it begins to lose its pink color. Add 2 tablespoons of the Fody Taco Sauce and continue to sauté until the turkey is cooked through. Keep warm and set aside.
Scatter tortilla chips out on your large rimmed pan. Sprinkle cooked turkey all over the chips, then sprinkle both cheeses all over the turkey.
Bake for about 3 to 5 minutes or until all the cheese is melted and beginning to bubble. Arrange dressed salad over the hot nachos. Quickly scatter the olive and radish slices over the top (serrano pepper, too, if you like things spicy). Drizzle with creamy low FODMAP dressing and remaining 2 tablespoons of Fody Taco Sauce. Serve immediately.
Dédé Wilson is the author of 17 cookbooks, including co-author of The Low FODMAP Diet: Step By Step.
Low FODMAP recipe brought to you by FODMAP Everyday® where we help you thrive while following the Low FODMAP Diet.
This original Low FODMAP recipe was created by recipe developer and author Dédé Wilson. You can find many more original Low FODMAP recipes and Low FODMAP vegetarian recipes, food and diet guidance, as well as resources, support and more at FODMAP Everyday®.
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