30 Min |
1 Hour and 30 Min |
Serves 8 |
30 Min |
1 Hour and 30 Min |
Serves 8 |
This might look a tad fancy but it isn’t actually hard to make if you follow our step-by-step instructions. Fody's Stuffed Low FODMAP Turkey Breast with Sausage, Cranberries & Pecans uses Fody Low FODMAP Garlic-Infused Olive Oil as well as Fody Low FODMAP Chicken Soup Base and Fody Low FODMAP Lemon & Herb Seasoning to create a dish that is guest-worthy and just a little different from presenting a whole bird. It cooks quickly too, which means your oven won’t be taken over all day long.
For the Low FODMAP Stuffing: Preheat oven to 400F/200C.
Scatter the cubed bread on a rimmed half-sheet pan and bake until just beginning to dry out and turn golden brown, tossing during baking to toast evenly. Cool and place in a large mixing bowl; crush slightly with hands and then set aside.
Meanwhile, combine the water and Fody Chicken Soup Base in a saucepan; bring to a simmer, whisk well to dissolve the base. Remove from heat and set aside. You will only be using a little bit for the stuffing, and then you will use the remainder when the turkey goes in the oven.
Heat a large skillet over medium heat, add the Fody Garlic-Infused Olive Oil and sausage, squeezed out of its casing, breaking it up as you add it to the pan. Sauté until about half of the pink color is gone, then add leek greens and celery and sauté for a few more minutes or until vegetables are softened. Add the 1 teaspoon of Fody Lemon & Herb Seasoning and season with salt and pepper and sauté for another 30 seconds, then scrape mixture, with all the liquid, over the toasted bread. Stir in cranberries, nuts and parsley, then add just enough of the reconstituted chicken stock to moisten (might just be 1/4 cup (60 ml) or so). Save remaining stock.
For the Low FODMAP Turkey: Spread the turkey out on a cutting board, skin side down. Peek underneath and make a mental note of which side the skin is on. Cover with plastic wrap and use a mallet to pound it out to a uniform thickness, about 1/2-inch (12 mm). Season with salt, pepper and Fody Lemon & Herb Seasoning. Use your hands to press the stuffing in an even layer all over the turkey, leaving a 1-inch (2.5 cm) border all around. Starting with the short end that does not have the skin begin rolling it up firmly into as even a log shape as possible. Roll up the log in a large piece of double-layer cheesecloth. Tie both ends with kitchen twine, shaping plumping and the log as you go, keeping it nice and round. Tie twine crosswise around your Low FODMAP turkey in 4 or 5 evenly spaced rotations, then slather butter evenly all over the cloth (use your hands).
Place log seam side down in roasting pan and add enough reserved stock to come up the sides of the log about 1/4-inch (6 mm). Immediately turn oven down to 375F/190C and roast for about 60 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes, basting once or twice and adding more stock to pan if it evaporates. An instant read thermometer should read 155F when inserted in center. Remove from oven, transfer to cutting board, drape loosely with foil and allow to rest for at least 15 minutes (temperature should rise to 165F. Meanwhile, you can strain the pan juices, discard the fat and use to make gravy, if you like. Remove twine and cheesecloth, then slice crosswise in thick slices to serve immediately.
Dédé Wilson is the author of 17 cookbooks, including co-author of The Low FODMAP Diet: Step By Step.
Recipe brought to you by FODMAP Everyday® where we help you thrive while following the Low FODMAP Diet.
This original Low FODMAP recipe was created by recipe developer and author Dédé Wilson. You can find many more original Low FODMAP recipes, food and diet guidance as well as resources, support and more at FODMAP Everyday®.
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